Dean’s Office » Dean’s Office

Dean’s Office

 Expecatativas de Comportamineto
Restorative Justice is a system of addressing behavior in two parts. One that involves teaching prevention or promotion of positive behavior. The other uses restorative intervention focusing on correction and reflection rather than punitive consequences.
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is committed to providing safe and healthy school environments that support all students in every aspect of their well-being. LAUSD students, staff, and parents/guardians value fair and consistent guidelines for implementing and developing a culture of discipline based on positive behavior interventions and away from punitive approaches that infringe on instructional time.
Mr. Valencia, Dean, ext. 6569
Mr. Cid, Dean, ext. 6520
Mr. Zelaya, A.P., ext. 6579
Ms. Ochoa, R.J. Teacher, ext. 5163