About School-Based Mental Health Supports and More...
How do I refer my child to obtain School-Based Counseling Services on Campus?

¿Cómo puedo derivar a mi hijo para que reciba servicios de asesoramiento
escolar en el campus?
Click on the link above, fill out the form as best as you can. Once the referral is submitted, a member from the PSW team will connect with your child in the order the referral was received.
Haga clic en el enlace de arriba y complete el formulario lo mejor que pueda. Una vez que se envíe la derivación, un miembro del equipo de PSW se comunicará con su hijo en el orden en que se recibió la derivación.
Is consent needed for my child to obtain PSW school-based mental health? ¿Se necesita consentimiento para que mi hijo reciba servicios de salud mental en la escuela?
Yes! Except during a CRISIS.
¡Sí! Excepto durante una CRISIS.

Social-Emotional Resource Parent and Staff Guide

The second version of Roadmaps for Social-Emotional Well-Being & Academic Success was designed by educators and mental health professional to support ALL parents and all school staff - teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff with helpful tools and resources for addressing trauma-informed education. It is aligned with District Strategic Plan's Pillars of Joy and Wellness, Engagement and Collaboration, Academic Excellence and Investing in staff.
Handbook includes lessons, activities, videos, and resources based on the following principles:
- Sense of Safety
- Ability to Calm
- Connectedness
- Self-efficacy
- Community-efficacy
Community Resource Guide
School Based Supports @ Roosevelt High School

Community Mental Health Flyers/ Talleres de Salud Mental
Join us online or in-person
School Based Services - Handouts